We want to assure our customers and prospective customers that we are committed to operating our business in a manner that is both sensitive and responsible, with proper regard for our legal obligations, regulations and codes of practice.
We aim to source our products and manage our supply chain in the most responsible and sustainable ways possible. This includes activities from the purchase of goods, through to the supply of our products and services, and ultimate disposal of waste.
Our full CSR policy sets out our responsibilities and commitment to supporting the government's vision for Corporate Social Responsibility, specifically:
• Promoting business activity that brings simultaneous economic, social and environmental benefits
• Providing a motivational and fulfilling environment in which to work; our staff are our core asset, at the heart of our policies and procedures, and their welfare and wellbeing is of the utmost importance
• Encouraging innovative approaches and continuing development and application of best practices
• Ensuring the compliance with our legal requirements as a minimum in areas such as health and safety and the environment
• Creating a system that facilitates business practices that balance profit and success with achievement of social and sustainability goals
• A zero tolerance approach to any form of modern slavery and a commitment to acting ethically and with integrity and transparency in all business dealings
Our CSR policy also contains further details about the ways in which we work with and support local community projects, provision of training, equal opportunities and more information on purchasing, procurement and production.
If you would like any more information please get in touch.